The bath should bring all the daily duties briefly to an end. At noon also a little rest should be taken at the end of the exercise, and then food should be taken. 15.
Yogîs should always take wholesome food and never anything unwholesome. After dinner he should eat Ilâchî or lavanga. 16.
Some like camphor, and betel leaf. To the Yogîs, practising Prâṇâyâma, betel leaf without powders, i, e., lime, nuts and kâtha, is beneficial. 17.
After taking food he should read books treating of salvation, or hear Purâṇas and repeat the name of God. 18.
In the evening the exercise should be begun after finishing sandyhâ, as before, beginning the practice 3 ghatikâ or one hour before the sun sets. 19.
Evening sandhyâ should always be performed after practice, and Haṭha Yoga should be practised at midnight. 20.
Viparîta Karṇi is to be practised in the evening and at midnight, and not just after eating, as it does no good at this time. 21.
Having closed the opening of the Nâdî (Larynx), the air should be drawn in such a way that it goes touching from the throat to the chest, and making noise while passing. 51.
It should be restrained, as before, and then let out through Idâ (the left nostril). This removes śleṣmâ (phlegm) in the throat and increases the appetite. 52.
It destroys the defects of the nâdîs, dropsy and disorders of Dhâtu (humours). Ujjâyî should be performed in all conditions of life, even while walking or sitting. 53.