Monday, December 27, 2010

Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Ch-4, Po-1

On Samâdhi.

Salutation to the Gurû, the dispenser of happiness to all, appearing as Nâda, Vindû and Kalâ. One who is devoted to Him, obtains the highest bliss. 1.

Now I will describe a regular method of attaining to Samâdhi, which destroys death, is the means for obtaining happiness, and gives the Brahmânanda. 2.

Raja Yogî, Samâdhi, Unmani, Mauonmanî, Amarativa, Laya, Tatwa, Sûnya, Aśûnya, Parama Pada, Amanaska, Adwaitama, Nirãlamba, Nirañjana, Jîwana Mukti, Sahajâ, Turyâ, are all synonymous. 3-4.

As salt being dissolved in water becomes one with it, so when Âtmâ and mind become one, it is called Samâdhi. 5.

When the Prâa becomes lean (vigourless) and the mind becomes absorbed, then their becoming equal is called Samâdhi. 6.

This equality and oneness of the self and the ultra self, when all Sakalpas cease to exist, is called Samâdhi. 7.