Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Ch-2, Po-20

No success in Râja Yoga without Haha Yoga, and no success in Haha Yoga without Râja Yoga. One should, therefore, practise both of these well, till complete success is gained. 76.

On the completion of Kumbhaka, the mind should be given rest. By practising in this way one is raised to the position of (succeeds in getting) Râja Yoga. 77.

Indications of success in the practice of Haha Yoga.

When the body becomes lean, the face glows with delight, Anâhatanâda manifests, and eyes are clear, body is healthy, bindu under control, and appetite increases, then one should know that the Nâdîs are purified and success in Haha Yoga is approaching. 78.

iti haha-pradīpikāyā dvitīyopadeśa |